Instructions for filling the Aadhaar Update Form
1.Fill the form in English as well as Local Language. Use the same local language which was used at the time of your enrolment in Aadhaar and appears in your Aadhaar Letter.
2.Select the fields you want to be updated /corrected. You can select more than on
e field also. However, you have to fill the entire form irrespective of the field to be Updated/Corrected.
e field also. However, you have to fill the entire form irrespective of the field to be Updated/Corrected.
3.Fill the form with current details. There is no need to provide details that are no more valid. For example, if you want to Change your Name/Address just fill the New Name/ Address in the space provided in form. There is no need to provide old Name/ Address.
4.Write full name without salutations/titles. For example do not write Dr. /Mr. /Col. etc.
5.Write complete address. The Aadhaar letter with updates will be delivered at the given address only.
To include Guardian/ Parent/Spouse Name as part of the address, select the appropriate box in C/odetails and enter the name of the person in the subsequent field. C/odetails in address, is used for letter delivery purposes and is a part of address. It is not mandatory to provide C/o details with address.
7.You are required to fill the complete address and submit supporting PoA even if you want to
update/correct only C/odetails. It is ok if C/odetails are not mentioned in your PoA document.
update/correct only C/odetails. It is ok if C/odetails are not mentioned in your PoA document.
8.Provide Mobile number. Resident must be available at the given mobile number for any
clarifications. Status of application will be intimated to the resident by sending anSMSon this
mobile number.
clarifications. Status of application will be intimated to the resident by sending anSMSon this
mobile number.
9.Check that the details entered are correct and complete in English as well as local language.
10.Self attestingor self signing the supporting documents. Resident’s name must be clearly mentioned below the signatures/thumbprint when self attesting the documents. In case the child is below five years, parent/guardian can fill and sign/provide thumbprint in the form and document copies. In all other cases, the resident must sign/provide thumbprint in the form anddocument copies themselves.
11.You do not have to submit all the proof documents. You have to submit only the document/s which is/are required to support the Change/ Correction. For eg. You need not attach an Address proof if you change your Date of Birth or your Name.
12.Send the application and supporting documents to UIDAI. Select appropriate UIDAI office address for sending the application depending on the local language that is used in your application.
13.Aadhaar letter with updates will be delivered at the given address only in case of Update/Correction in Name, Address, Date of Birth and Gender. For Update of Mobile number,the notification will be sent on the given mobile number.
14.Submission of information for update does not guarantee update of Aadhaar data. Theinformation submitted is subject to verification and validation. Furnishing of incorrect information/suppression of information would lead to rejection of application and would attract penal provisions under prevailing laws.